Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My visit with Santa Claus

On Mommy L's birthday, I went to PetSmart to meet Santa. I was so nervous when I was waiting in line, I almost forgot to tell him what I wanted for Christmas. I told him I need more chew toys as I am still a puppy and I need to CHEW, CHEW, CHEW!. I can't wait for Christmas.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's my first birthday!

Hello everyone, today is my birthday and I am one year old!. My mommies gave me an extra special morning snuggle and after they left for work, I had a lovely nap and waited for them to come home.

When my moms came home, they gave me cool birthday presents. I got lots of new chewy toys, I got a funny green ball with feet (I love chewing feet)

I also got a huge rubber donut

and an orange dumbell.

I also got a special dinner of hamburger and kibble

and for dessert, I had some biscuit that Bridget gave me - it was delicious.

Aunts Christine and Leslie called me after dinner and they sang Happy Birthday to me, it was so much fun. Nonnie and Grampy sent me a cute card over this email thingy, Mommy B had to show it to me as I don't know how to do this computer thing. Maybe when I am 2 I will be able to type!.

Anyway, I have had a lovely first birthday, it was very special. I can't wait for my next birthday!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Oh my, what a fun time I had on my first Halloween. My Mommies carved a pumpkin for me, they thought I was too young to play with a sharp knife.

I dressed up in my Karate kid costume, black belt of course!

Lots of children came to our door, when they rang the bell I barked like a ninja and gave them some candy. My neighbour Halley came by in her cool peacock costume, she looked cool.

Melissa and her Mommy and Daddy came to have dinner. Whilst the grown ups had dinner, Melissa and I played on the floor. I licked her all over her face and she giggled. She looked awesome in her Superman (not Supergirl costume). We went out trick or treating, Melissa got all the candy as I am not allowed to have chocolate.

Aunties Leslie and Christine came over with Zeke to give me a Halloween Long Dog! I love it but I don't think it will last very long, I have a passion for removing stuffing from soft toys. I can't help it, I am a puppy!

I had so much fun on my first Halloween, I can't wait until next year!

I finally finished the living room floor!

Mommy L and I have been working hard this week. We finally finished the flooring in the living room. Mommy B says that I am such a good helper, always there with a spare paw. We just have the kitchen to do now!

Monday, October 22, 2007

October at the beach

Mommy B had a whole week off for fall break so Mommy L took a couple of days off work and took me to the beach. Aunties Leslie and Christine are so nice to let us stay at their house, I promised I would be a good boy so that they wouldn't worry. My Mommies and I walked along the beach for miles, it was so much fun!

We watched people fishing and I played with the children building sand castles.

After my long walk on the beach I was exhausted! There is nothing better than a snuggle from my Mommy B.

We even had English fish and chips on the boardwalk! I like fish and chips a lot! I had so much fun in Rehoboth, maybe Zeke can come with me next time.

Mummy Puppy haircuts!

Mommy and I got new haircuts. Mommy had 11 inches cut off her hair and donated it to locks of love. If I did that I would be bald! Don't we look cute.

Monday, October 8, 2007

First Friday in Doylestown

Hi all, I have been so busy I have not been keeping up with my blog. I am very naughty!

My Mommy L and Julia took me to Doylestown last Friday. I think it is somewhere near Louisville (hehe). Mommy L used to work with Lucy until she got a job in Doylestown. I hadn't met Lucy before so I was really excited. We had dinner at a lovely sidewalk cafe where I could meet and greet everyone. I was very popular. Later, we went to a cool place to decorate pottery but they were closing when we got there, never mind, I am sure Mommy L will take me again. I got to see Lucy's apartment and meet her man Isaac. Later, another friend Rachel joined us, she came with her new love interest!. I was really tired from all the fun and a little scared of the loud people on the street so Mommy L had to carry me. After all that fun, we drove home to Mommy B and I had a puppy hangover the next day. Can't wait until the next time

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Eradicate World Rabies Day

Today, we did something really important to me - a charity walk to raise money to eradicate rabies!

My Mommy L took me, Julia brought Monty the Goldendoodle, and Bridget brought Lady the Cocker Spanial to a 5K walk in beautiful Fairmount Park in Philadelphia.

Monty was a little afraid of the other dogs but I walked next to him and he was happy that I took care of him.

At the end of the walk, we all sat on the grass to drink some water and have some treats.

I had so much fun on the walk, I can't wait to do it next year.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

OK, Mommy L is not so bad after all

I think I hurt Mommy L's feelings when I said its all work and no play in this house. Sorry Mommy L, you are fun too (just not as much as Mommy B).

When are you coming home Mommy B? Did you get me a present? Do you remember what I look like?

Mommy B has left me!

Mommy B has been gone forever! She went to some boring writing center directors camp in Oregon, I don't know where that is but Mommy L said its a long way from home. I wish she would come back, Mommy L is no fun as she makes me work on the floors all of the time. Come home Mommy B!!! I miss you so much

I don't like lobster

For Mommy B's birthday, everyone at the beach ate surf and turf. Don't know what that means but I like turf!. Mommy L showed me what a lobster looks like, I was scared of the big claws. I was so happy when she put it in that big steaming pot. Don't show me any more lobsters Mommy L!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Mommy B!!!

Today is my Mommy B's birthday hooray! I made her a card and I got her a really special present - this really cool ball that she can chew (I asked if we could share :-) and some nintendogs trading cards. I think she was really impressed with the ball, it is pink because I know that is her favorite colour and its good for her teeth. We are going to Rehoboth Beach with my BFF Zeke, Aunts Christine and Leslie and a new person. Aunt Jenny is coming all the way from New York City for a weekend of fun!. Will post pictures when I get back.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Atticus & Cassius : part 3

I got to have another play date with my brother, Cassius today!!!!

We had so much fun running around and rolling in the mud. Its a good job the mud blends into Cassius' fur, I am not so lucky, looks like my Mommies will make me have a bath!

Don't we look handsome together!

Happy Independence Day

Yeah, its a holiday. We spent the day driving from Ohio but I still had fun. I had such a good time in the midwest but its nice to be home. Happy 4th of July everyone!

Happy 75th Birthday, Grampy

Hello everyone, my Grampy celebrated his 75th birthday on July 3rd and I was invited to attend his birthday party in Iowa. My Mommies and I packed up our SUV for the long trip to the midwest. Good job my backseat was tricked out for the ride.

We all took turns driving, even me!!!

We first got to go to Illinois to see Grandpa Norm and Grandma Kelley. I was so happy to see Halley and they got a new dog called Maggie. She wasn't real happy to see me, but once we played, she liked me. We only stayed for a few hours then we had to go to Iowa for the big party. In Iowa, I got to meet my cousins, Hunter, Connor and Kyler. They were so much fun!

The party was huge, there were 250 people in attendance, oops, 251 including me!!! My Mommies were really busy helping out so I had to be by myself in the room. Plus, there were some really loud fireworks. The lights were really pretty but those loud bangs really scared me. I was so happy to see my Mommy L when she came to get me that I crawled on her lap and I wouldn't get off!!!.

I spent the day after the party cleaning up. It was really hard work eating the popcorn off the deck but Nonnie was really pleased that I helped out. I got to play with the boys too!. I love running in the backyard with little boys, they run much faster than my Mommies and they chase me!

Nonnie and Grampy were so thoughtful to install a fountain for me to drink from, its hard work chasing those boys!

After such a short trip, it was time to go home to Pennsylvania. We drove for 2 days and stayed in a hotel in Ohio. My Mommies were so happy that I was a good boy I got to play on the bed. I was so tired my Mommies put toys on me, silly Mommies

I had such a good time in the Midwest, I can't wait to go back.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oh nuts!!!!!!!!!

Good morning everyone. As you can see, all is well the day after my operation. My bottom is a little sore but not enough to really bother me. I slept really well but this "Little House on the Prairie" bonnet really gets in my way. Why do my Mommies keep calling me "Half Pint"?

Monday, June 25, 2007


Today was a big day, I got fixed. I am really mellow right now so I would rather not talk. Please check in with me later, I don't like to be on my blog when I am drugged.

First haircut

Hello everyone, I got my first haircut. I look so cute. My Mommies were worried I would look like a poodle, but the stylist at PetSmart made me look really nice. Here are my pics.



Let me know what you think, love Atticus

Friday, June 8, 2007

The perfect "O"

We live next to a firehouse and when the siren goes off, I have the urge to howl. I don't know why I do it, maybe I like to sing! My Mommy B says that my mouth makes a perfect o, hence the title.

Mommy B :- Come home soon. I really miss you, it has been like, FOREVER!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Mommy B has gone to Kentucky

My Mommy B has gone away for a week and I am so sad. She kept asking me if I wanted to go to Louisville before she left but she didn't take me. Mommy L and I took her to the airport and I waved goodbye and cried. This is the first time I just have one human taking care of me. Mommy L has been so busy this weekend that I have not had enough attention. She went out last night and I discovered a new trick - I can climb the baby gate that keeps me in the kitchen. You should have seen Mommy L's face when she came home and I greeted her at the front door. Mommy L was so impressed with my climbing abilities that she bought a new baby gate that I can't climb, oh well.

Mommy B - if you are reading this, I want to tell you that I miss you. Here is a photo in case you have forgotton what I look like. Love Atticus xoxoxoxox

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm 6 months old!

Oh my gosh, I am so excited! Today is my 6 month birthday! As you can see from my pictures, I got a Mr Vet toy and a cannoli! They both make me really hyper! If you want to send birthday greetings, email me at my blog. I love you all, its been a great 6 months! xoxoxo

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Fun!

We could have gone to the beach, we could have gone camping but instead we decided to stay home and do house projects. My mommies always complain that I don't pull my weight around the house so I thought I would help to paint my master bathroom. My Mommies have really good taste, they picked a colour they knew I would like - Silver Sage - it looks good with my brown eyes and blonde hair!. My job was the trim as I have a really steady mouth, check me out in action! Happy Memorial Day everyone.